Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The 2nd Episode

Bueller Bueller Bueller I think those are the first words used in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day off. So you are probably wondering why I used that reference in my 2nd blogging. Welllll the reason is is because I recently just purchased a bottle of wine which is the artist formerly known as Buehler Vineyards which is a 2007 CaberNET. I was reading in a Wine Spectator magazine that 2007 Cabernets are the best wines to drink now so I said hey why not so I purchased this bottle. I also bought the wine because it had a cool label.

We busted out this wine before watching KU's first basketball exhibition game so I don't know if I was more excited to watch the game or drink some good wine. So we opened up this wine and I took a sip of it and fell in love with it right away. I wanted to make love to this wine it was so gooood. Its a little dense not too heavy and has a nice finish to it. I wouldn't describe it as too oaky but more delicate and balanced. Its definitely a wine you can drink today and not  have it just sit in your basement for 4-5 years. Overall great choice once again I make a purchase. Yay me! I would rate this wine as 90 points. I recommend it to people over the age of 21. Just my suggestion.

On to the fun stuff. My Halloween was super fun and extra salty! How was yours? I dressed up as literally a salt shaker and it was awesome! I think maybe 6 or 7 people took a picture of me and my friend Pepper so I am probably on some random people's Facebook pages. Life has been good lately. My GF is damnn good and fine. My friends are good! My family is great! The only thing not good is my Fantasy football team! Damn you Tony Romo for getting hurt. I hate you but I love you the same time. I'm 3-5 right now hope to turn my season around here next week. Anyways thats all I gotta say right now. I'm watching MSNBC right now watching the Republicans taking over the world maybe thats the reason Im sulking in my wine right now knowing this is the end of the World. Just kidding Republicans I love you and I love you all. Thanks for hanging in there and checking out my blog. Check me out next week as I continue my wine consuming.

Hasta Luego!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Beginning of my Tour!

Hi my name is Adam and I am an alcoholic! Just kidding the reason I started this blog is because I drink a lot of wine and I getting more and more interested about trying new wines and writing reviews about them. I am not an expert on wine but I can certainly distinguish a good wine and a shitty wine.  I got into wine because I started drinking wine with my Jewish friend Nate Wohl every night in the summer of 09. We had many moments together. He introduced me to the world of wines and I had always wanted to hang out with a college professional frisbee golf player. So I decided to start a blog for  the wines I've tried for my entertainment and your amusement. I hope you enjoy my writings and lol a little bit through my blogings. I don't know if blogings is a word because it has a red line underneath it on my computer but I like the word so I am going to use it.

I recently just purchased this Cabernet Sauvignon bottle at Costco. Freemark Abbey is originated in the Napa Valley. Freemark is best described as having an aroma of black cherry, currant, and dried cranberries.  I would best describe this wine as being light to medium bodied. It has an interesting finish. Its a little drier and not as sweet as most Cabernets I would expect to be. I would say I certainly do enjoy this wine a lot. It's an easy drink. It goes down easy down the pipes. This particular wine I would give a score of 88 points. So this is the first episode of my wine tour. I hope you enjoyed and lmao'd a little bit during my bloging. I am not a perfect writer or typer but I think I did a pretty damn good job with this one. Thanks for taking your time in reading this if you do. I love you all like a fat kid loves cake.
Hugs N Kisses